Contents of the Add Development Plan Screen

Use the fields to add a development plan and use it to set goals associated with concrete tasks that must be completed to reach those goals.


Column Description
Plan Name Enter a clear name for this plan (for example, Observation and Feedback Skills).
Plan Type Select the reason for the development plan:
  • Gap Fill: This type of plan addresses the need of an employee who requires additional development to fulfill his or her potential within an organization. The development plan will fill gaps in the employee’s knowledge.
  • Growth: This type of plan addresses the need of an employee is ready to move into another position, but lacks certain abilities or knowledge. The development plan will expand the employee’s knowledge base.
Start Date Select the date on which you are supposed to begin performing the tasks in the development plan.
Target Date Select the date on which you are supposed to finish performing the tasks in the development plan.
For This lists the name of the employee who the plan is being created for. This will either be the logged in user's name if the plan is being self-created, or the name of the selected direct or indirect report.
Copy Development Plan to Additional Direct Reports You can select multiple direct reports from the list to create the same development plan for the selected employees.

This option displays only for managers and administrators with direct reports.

Manag Development Plans Click this button to return to the Development Plans screen, where you can view all plans created by you or by a manager or administrator for you.